All NON-UFS Skates - Page 24

Displaying 185-192 of 280 result(s).
Roces Moscow Custom

Roces Moscow Custom     1 likeBar | 1 likeBar

These were my first pair of Aggressive skates. There totally...
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Majestic 12 NON UFS
Roces Majestic 12 - nonUFS Custom

Roces Majestic 12 - nonUFS Custom

Ahh my good old M12#39s. Custom painted green with black and...
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Majestic 12 NON UFS
Roces 5th Element

Roces 5th Element

Just got these skates to part out for a M12 mod I#39m about ...
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> 5th Element
k2 style points bob

k2 style points bob     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

I got these K2#39s at Goodwill for $7.99 :)I#39m thinking of...
Views: 3351
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Category: Skates -> K2 -> Non UFS
Roces M12 with big ass wheels

Roces M12 with big ass wheels     0 likeBar | 2 likeBar

Roces Classic Majestic XII#39s. Just wanted to show how big ...
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Tarmac CE

Tarmac CE     0 likeBar | 1 likeBar

Tarmac CE were my first aggressive skates actually i think t...
Views: 3909
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Remz 0703 custom

Remz 0703 custom     0 likeBar | 2 likeBar

Remz 0703 + K2 Frontman Frame 80mm 82atry new set up for nor...
Views: 6493
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Category: Skates -> Remz -> Non UFS
Edwards Daytona circa 1997

Edwards Daytona circa 1997     1 likeBar | 1 likeBar

my old blue chris edwards daytona 6 skates - ...
Views: 4941
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS

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Checkout your favourite old school non-UFS skates. Starting with the earlist Rollerblade skates from the late 80's to the Non-UFS Arlo Eisenberg Throne. These skates are part of skate history. Enjoy!

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