All NON-UFS Skates - Page 28

Displaying 217-224 of 280 result(s).
k2 fatty

k2 fatty     0 likeBar | 1 likeBar

k2 fatty,ground control murda frames,mindgame wheels - ...
Views: 3402
Comments: 5
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Category: Skates -> K2 -> Non UFS
Bauer Shifty skates

Bauer Shifty skates

I want the wheels - Crapita...
Views: 8297
Comments: 1
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Bauer -> Other
roces Majestic XII

roces Majestic XII     3 likeBar | 1 likeBar

so good looking - white powar...
Views: 3889
Comments: 3
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Majestic 12 NON UFS
Vintage TRS Rollerblade Lightning

Vintage TRS Rollerblade Lightning     0 likeBar | 1 likeBar

Vintage TRS Lightning...
Views: 5834
Comments: 4
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Oxygen AR skates OLD SCHOOL

Oxygen AR skates OLD SCHOOL

worst cuffs and liners ever. - ...
Views: 14298
Comments: 13
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Oxygen -> Other
Bauer Skates

Bauer Skates

- hockey junk...
Views: 5325
Comments: 6
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Bauer -> Other
Rollerblade Tarmac Series

Rollerblade Tarmac Series     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Tarmac Series by Rollerblade ...
Views: 7081
Comments: 2
Bookmarks: 1
Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Old-school Razors NON UFS

Old-school Razors NON UFS     0 likeBar | 1 likeBar

YES - non-UFS ...
Views: 5785
Comments: 4
Bookmarks: 0
Category: Skates -> Razors -> Non UFS

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NON UFS Skates

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Checkout your favourite old school non-UFS skates. Starting with the earlist Rollerblade skates from the late 80's to the Non-UFS Arlo Eisenberg Throne. These skates are part of skate history. Enjoy!

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