All NON-UFS Skates - Page 33

Displaying 257-264 of 280 result(s).
Salomon ST 9

Salomon ST 9     2 likeBar | 0 likeBar

Nice color combinationOne of the best skates in 1999 - Salom...
Views: 3643
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Category: Skates -> Salomon -> Non UFS
How to V-cut your USD cuff

How to V-cut your USD cuff     0 likeBar | 2 likeBar

.Many skaters say that the new v-cut cuff on the 07 Sagona i...
Views: 28147
Comments: 13
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Category: Skates -> USD -> Non UFS
Razors Impact 200

Razors Impact 200     0 likeBar | 3 likeBar

The original Razors Impact skate.Very popular in germany in ...
Views: 5837
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Category: Skates -> Razors -> Non UFS
K2 Fatty

K2 Fatty     1 likeBar | 0 likeBar

The legend !! ! - K2 stock frame...
Views: 4624
Comments: 5
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Category: Skates -> K2 -> Non UFS
Roces khuti

Roces khuti

My frist skate . Says it all , i loved these skates , a litt...
Views: 6257
Comments: 9
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Category: Skates -> Roces -> Other Non UFS
Rollerblade Dirk 1998 Era

Rollerblade Dirk 1998 Era

Rollerblade Dirk, Same Era as the Ci5#39s posted recently, c...
Views: 13318
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
 C i 5 Rollerblade

C i 5 Rollerblade     0 likeBar | 1 likeBar

heres one for the old school skaters i picked these up at a ...
Views: 9764
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Category: Skates -> Rollerblade -> Non UFS
Custom grey 50fifty suspension frame

Custom grey 50fifty suspension frame     0 likeBar | 1 likeBar

[b]My custom suspension frame prototype[/b]Okay, this protot...
Views: 10385
Comments: 5
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Category: Skates -> Remz -> Non UFS

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Checkout your favourite old school non-UFS skates. Starting with the earlist Rollerblade skates from the late 80's to the Non-UFS Arlo Eisenberg Throne. These skates are part of skate history. Enjoy!

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