AF3s inspired by Rachard

Feinberg 3s, O'Neill Jug Neos, Rzrs Bckls, V-Cuffs, 50-50 8Whl Cores, M1 R.Johnsons, M1 Antis, Renegades Brngs Outties, Vicious Innies... Sk8 was courtesy of Rachard J, well the shell hooked up for mad cheap & the rest was hooked up lil by lil as it became spares & available. So it took over a year to put these together, because i waited for the white souls, which became available again just recently...RJs da man!!! here are some before & after pix, hope ya'll like em' cuz im lovin em' :) peace.... - Fifty-50 8Whl Cores


RBfoeva 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

these are so hot man!
iROLL35 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

dope, diggin the colors
3M3M 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

+ white cuff and old af3 buckle ;)
FourX4Boozer 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

[quote=3M3M]+ white cuff and old af3 buckle ;) [/quote] i feel you, i tried it, it looked ok, but it was just too much white
FourX4Boozer 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

[quote=RBfoeva]these are so hot man! [/quote] im a fire starta :D haha, thanx man.
Angus690 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

yes indeed so nice!
rock 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

very nice. and [color=rgb(255, 0, 0);]no white cuffs[/color] !
artyom 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

wingaaaa yeah men
*Rasta* 00 says (30 Jul 2008)

very hot setup man, the colors are wicked!!!
Thisissoul NL says (30 Jul 2008)

Very very nice
punkpc US says (31 Jul 2008)

what you doing with the old green buckles, laces and the green souls? you looking to sell?
Mr_UnDaCoVa 00 says (31 Jul 2008)

[font="Courier New, Courier, mono"]If your going to keep the green cuff I would like to purchase your sagona cuffs if your selling them.[/font]
FourX4Boozer 00 says (31 Jul 2008)

[quote=punkpc]what you doing with the old green buckles, laces and the green souls? you looking to sell? [/quote] green buckles & souls r gonna go on sum white AF1s im tryin 2 get & the laces r on these AF3s just double laced w/ white ones.
FourX4Boozer 00 says (31 Jul 2008)

[quote=Mr_UnDaCoVa][font="Courier New, Courier, mono"]If your going to keep the green cuff I would like to purchase your sagona cuffs if your selling them.[/font] [/quote] im gonna try 2 rebuild some sagonas i have & put these back on, but if i dont & if its not to late, ill let u know.
freeman16 00 says (31 Jul 2008)

did you v cut the cuff and if you put a shock absorber under the liner you will be able to see the nice juggernaut writing ;)
FourX4Boozer 00 says (01 Aug 2008)

[quote=freeman16]did you v cut the cuff and if you put a shock absorber under the liner you will be able to see the nice juggernaut writing ;) [/quote] i just traced my sagona cuffs & did the v-cut myself. it would b nice 2 add a shock absorber for the liner lift & for impacts, but the sk8 feels 2 narrow as it is already, i think adding would make them tighter & kill my feet.
illthrilla 00 says (03 Aug 2008)

very nice, im looking for af right now they're so hard to find now
FourX4Boozer 00 says (03 Aug 2008)

[quote=illthrilla]very nice, im looking for af right now they're so hard to find now [/quote] yeah most classics r pretty hard to find now in days:no:, but good luck:nod: & thanx 2 everyone that commented, for the good compliments. :D
commit 00 says (04 Aug 2008)

idk kno there was af3's. I had a pair of af1's, but I traded them for a pair of Vinny Mintons and DK1's like 3 or 4 years ago. I remember wearing my af1's and one day out of the blue AF pops up in airborne doing retarded transfers. goods times. btw, what size are the sagonas? if you abandon the sagona project i might buy them off you. or trade.
stubbsy 00 says (04 Aug 2008)

great wheels. m1 urethane is up there with Eulogy. nice idea with the cuff also.
receplp TR says (26 Aug 2008)

50/50 frames are they heavy?
FourX4Boozer 00 says (07 Sep 2008)

[quote=receplp]50/50 frames are they heavy?[/quote] the over all sk8 is pretty heavy, well heavier than my aragon 2s, so i can't really tell if it is the 50-50s that make them heavier. but they sk8 really well, over all, a lot better than i thought they would.... but imo, i think the frame is a lil heavy, off of the sk8, bcuz it is a two piece frame, aluminum core & then the plastic, incorporate both & you have more density & mass.
blazinrokz 00 says (06 Nov 2008)

These skates = love. Perfect!
DenZense CO says (14 Feb 2009)

sick!!! like em a lot

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