the white xsjado

i think this is some photo shop shit, but these would be sexiii. can you bleach plastic, or somehow make them white (without paint) or will that break it down and make it weak? well, these are not mine but yours for viewing pleasure. late - GC's


rollingfl 00 says (06 Apr 2008)

[b]mmmmmmmm sexy [/b]
3M3M 00 says (06 Apr 2008)

look so good !
beanie2258 00 says (07 Apr 2008)

lol @ you. i was the one that did this photoshop :D it isnt going to happen. i had a chat with oli benet. he liked the idea, but the guy who owns xsjado (cant remember name) doesnt. so dream away
ninja9 AU says (11 Apr 2008)

they look edible
illthrilla 00 says (12 Apr 2008)

[quote=beanie2258]lol @ you. i was the one that did this photoshop :D are you sure? where did you post this pic originally? just wondering
illthrilla 00 says (12 Apr 2008)

what shoes ( not footwraps ) work the best with xsjados? pics?
ninja9 AU says (13 Apr 2008)

yo ithrilla . maybe air maxs would work well, nice shape, narrow plus you got the air bubble. or maybe some nike runners with springs , or nike frees are amazing. just takin guesses, will try em out to, when get xsjados or borrow some. someone should try that, shoes w/ the springs or air bubble in xsjados.
illthrilla 00 says (13 Apr 2008)

[quote=ninja9]yo ithrilla . maybe air maxs would work well, nice shape, narrow plus you got the air bubble. or maybe some nike runners with springs , or nike frees are amazing. just takin guesses, will try em out to, when get xsjados or borrow some. someone should try that, shoes w/ the springs or air bubble in xsjados. [/quote] thats a good idea, like nike shocks, but a cooler looking shoe.
illthrilla 00 says (13 Apr 2008)

nike frees ?
illthrilla 00 says (19 Apr 2008)

do the soles rub the ground when you are just skating/pushing off. i keep getting mixed reviews about xsjado. idk
illah 00 says (05 May 2008)

I would buy these as soon as they hit the stores. I realy think they at least think about making a nice white skate.
mitchell [RLB]
mitchell [RLB] 00 says (10 Dec 2008)

:D it isnt going to happen. i had a chat with oli benet. he liked the idea, but the guy who owns xsjado (cant remember name) doesnt. so dream away " cough farmer 3s lol

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Category: Skates
Brand: Xsjado
Model: Classic Xsjado

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Uploaded: 06 Apr 2008
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