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Member Since: 25 Apr 2008Last Seen: 25 Apr 2008
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6 Comments By illah
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20 May 2008 comment on stockwell 08
Would look so mutch better in just black/red. And why destroy them with butt ugly wraps? Disapointed tbh. Probably gonna skip these for a new pair of valos..
Would look so mutch better in just black/red. And why destroy them with butt ugly wraps? Disapointed tbh. Probably gonna skip these for a new pair of valos..
05 May 2008 comment on the white xsjado
I would buy these as soon as they hit the stores. I realy think they at least think about making a nice white skate.
I would buy these as soon as they hit the stores. I realy think they at least think about making a nice white skate.
30 Apr 2008 comment on Deshi CH1 Half USD Half Ch1 souls
It's half usd duall II and half deshi ch1 souls. Feelt like something was missing when I just hade the usd soul. Havent tried to skate them yet, but ill post my feedback here when I've tried them.
It's half usd duall II and half deshi ch1 souls. Feelt like something was missing when I just hade the usd soul. Havent tried to skate them yet, but ill post my feedback here when I've tried them.
28 Apr 2008 comment on Deshi CH1 Half USD Half Ch1 souls
Nah the original sifka liner and the vent liner feels very similar size wise. Though deshi is a bit small in sizes. if you click on a deshi skate you will find a size guide.
Nah the original sifka liner and the vent liner feels very similar size wise. Though deshi is a bit small in sizes. if you click on a deshi skate you will find a size guide.
Dark red sounds way better, though the color in this pictures seems a bit of. Gotta se them irl befor i make my final desition.