SkateSetup's Profile
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Member Since: 17 Apr 2011Last Seen: 17 Oct 2011
403 Uploads Total
121 Comments By SkateSetup
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SkateSetups latest comments
41-45 out of 121 comments
25 Nov 2007 comment on ch1
They look sick with the black and grey souls... but you should seriously think about the liners...
They look sick with the black and grey souls... but you should seriously think about the liners...
20 Nov 2007 comment on Louie Zamora Thrones
Why don't they make green or olive skates? it looks so sick!
Why don't they make green or olive skates? it looks so sick!
the best remz in a long time even better than the "original" grey and black haffeys.. What size are these?