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Member Since: 28 Jun 2008Last Seen: 11 Feb 2014
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50 Comments By Arctic roller
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06 Oct 2009 comment on E9 Carbon
I must be one of the most arrogant rollerbladers alive, AND I SKATEBOARD 9 OUT OF 10 TIMES IM ROLLING! you guys must hate me:-) GIVE ME POWERhahaha
I must be one of the most arrogant rollerbladers alive, AND I SKATEBOARD 9 OUT OF 10 TIMES IM ROLLING! you guys must hate me:-) GIVE ME POWERhahaha
06 Oct 2009 comment on 2010 Estilo L.E.
The wheel profile is perfect circle round like on the old Hyper pro 250. The Dream wheels on these skates would be some Labeda EXteeme 72 the cozmo´s are from my RB E9 skates: They where the last wheels made.
The wheel profile is perfect circle round like on the old Hyper pro 250. The Dream wheels on these skates would be some Labeda EXteeme 72 the cozmo´s are from my RB E9 skates: They where the last wheels made.
truly sick skate