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Member Since: 28 Jun 2008Last Seen: 11 Feb 2014
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50 Comments By Arctic roller
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Arctic rollers latest comments
31-35 out of 50 comments
04 Sep 2008 comment on 03 one
for a change I actualu totaly agree with Stubbsy! Why ruin a nice pair of Remz with halfass graphiti?
for a change I actualu totaly agree with Stubbsy! Why ruin a nice pair of Remz with halfass graphiti?
04 Sep 2008 comment on trooper39s in the making
I hear you baby! but to be honest, I cant be bothered to. besides, it would be fun to shape those TRS midsouls so they dont look as but-ugly as they do. Kinda TRS redemtion!
I hear you baby! but to be honest, I cant be bothered to. besides, it would be fun to shape those TRS midsouls so they dont look as but-ugly as they do. Kinda TRS redemtion!
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bladiblabla... <IMG alt=Kopfschütteln src="" border=0><BR><BR>