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Member Since: 22 Aug 2008Last Seen: 22 Aug 2008
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8 Comments By Lewis
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28 Jan 2009 comment on Bauer Skates
Exactly, these are (new)old school and at the time I remember wanting these sooo bad, and watch sam fogerty rip it up in them.... I say new old school as the black shifty and frontside series were the real Bauer classics really. Ahh the time when grind plates meant everything and backside plates didnt exist, royale with your knees not your skates, times of skill indeed.
Exactly, these are (new)old school and at the time I remember wanting these sooo bad, and watch sam fogerty rip it up in them.... I say new old school as the black shifty and frontside series were the real Bauer classics really. Ahh the time when grind plates meant everything and backside plates didnt exist, royale with your knees not your skates, times of skill indeed.
17 Jan 2009 comment on Damien Wilson
Shadows are two sizes only, either small (kids basicly) or adult size 9+
Shadows are two sizes only, either small (kids basicly) or adult size 9+
OMG they are sick, if I had the dollar i'd ask you to ship them to the UK asap!