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Member Since: 22 Aug 2008Last Seen: 22 Aug 2008
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8 Comments By Lewis
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20 Oct 2008 comment on TV.2
Buuuuuuuut,... The stock TV.2 liner is bsicly a classic Salomon liner so is already uber comfy ;) I geuss the older valo's have created a basis for all valo liners being crap, heavy etc but it is just so not true with the new tv2's.
Buuuuuuuut,... The stock TV.2 liner is bsicly a classic Salomon liner so is already uber comfy ;) I geuss the older valo's have created a basis for all valo liners being crap, heavy etc but it is just so not true with the new tv2's.
18 Oct 2008 comment on TV.2
They skate so nice too. Dispelled any myths I have heard about Valo. There as heavy/light as any other hardboot, fat ass soul space, comfy liner and low cut cuff/liner is kinda nice for flex too. No idea if the TV.1's were uber heavy etc but these new gen Valo's are brilliant, top acids are silly easy.
They skate so nice too. Dispelled any myths I have heard about Valo. There as heavy/light as any other hardboot, fat ass soul space, comfy liner and low cut cuff/liner is kinda nice for flex too. No idea if the TV.1's were uber heavy etc but these new gen Valo's are brilliant, top acids are silly easy.
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whey biggie! Nice skates, but you knew that. Get your lads on grindside.com and pester rio to drive down to the shed for a skate. Theres a bunch of us norfolk/suffolk skaters on there.