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Member Since: 07 Sep 2008Last Seen: 07 Sep 2008
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28 Comments By exROVER
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14 Aug 2009 comment on Cool Snakes TV.2
yeah man what size u got? what do u mean hardcore toe cut? i just got my tv.2's in today. size 9 skates with size 8 trust liners. I have to do more of a toe cut to get them to fit so i would be able to actually skate them, they are just WAY too tight to skate with the toe cut like the amall video shows.
yeah man what size u got? what do u mean hardcore toe cut? i just got my tv.2's in today. size 9 skates with size 8 trust liners. I have to do more of a toe cut to get them to fit so i would be able to actually skate them, they are just WAY too tight to skate with the toe cut like the amall video shows.
30 Jul 2009 comment on Valo AB.1 Black
how do these actually fit? did u get 1 size up from your show size ?
how do these actually fit? did u get 1 size up from your show size ?
this is so lame, why would anyone skate with valo's with out the shell? it's more retarded than doing that to a pair of remz. just skate the M12's if u like that look. you just wasting money on a pair of valo's when u can get the m12's for way less money.