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Member Since: 23 Nov 2008Last Seen: 23 Nov 2008
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8 Comments By biggie
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30 Nov 2008 comment on 0601
they actuly skated pritti wel i was surprised i did this because i wanted frank morales but they wer all sold out everywhere and it was before the os came out
they actuly skated pritti wel i was surprised i did this because i wanted frank morales but they wer all sold out everywhere and it was before the os came out
23 Nov 2008 comment on Murda 3
i love them skates but tell me y u took them off my myspace page and calling them ur own u loser
i love them skates but tell me y u took them off my myspace page and calling them ur own u loser
23 Nov 2008 comment on Shima 7
nice skates to bad they myn u idiot y have u taken pictures from me n sed they urs do u even rollerblade??
nice skates to bad they myn u idiot y have u taken pictures from me n sed they urs do u even rollerblade??
they did skate amazing just the right flex and well comfy