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Member Since: 23 Nov 2008Last Seen: 23 Nov 2008
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8 Comments By biggie
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23 Nov 2008 comment on Realm
these are my skates i cnt belive sum idiot has copied the pic of my myspace n put it on as theirs n the wont be able to send u a pic with out the cuffs coz the skates are next to me rite now n i havent taken a picture of them without the cuffs yet
these are my skates i cnt belive sum idiot has copied the pic of my myspace n put it on as theirs n the wont be able to send u a pic with out the cuffs coz the skates are next to me rite now n i havent taken a picture of them without the cuffs yet
23 Nov 2008 comment on A horrible Bunch i dont use
hu the hell is put this picture up!! thats my room n my skates and the aragon 2s, the alomons , the usd realms customs n remz os are all myn from this person and they must of copied them from my myspace ! hu the hell is sad enuff to copy these n call them there own idiot
hu the hell is put this picture up!! thats my room n my skates and the aragon 2s, the alomons , the usd realms customs n remz os are all myn from this person and they must of copied them from my myspace ! hu the hell is sad enuff to copy these n call them there own idiot
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hu da hell r u? n y have u put all my skates on here, n call them ur own thats da drawer in my room thy sittin on, how cum uve copied n pasted them from myspace had sad r u!!!!!!!