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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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51-55 out of 109 comments
16 Feb 2010 comment on UFS thrones orange and black
They look like Genesys because of the double lacing and because they are small lenght. I also had the idea of duct taping cuffs, haha! :D Let me know if it holds down skating pressure well. Also, since they are Classic Thrones, how did you put them two-piece souls? And can you make us a tutorial on sewing skins please? Very good job, man!
They look like Genesys because of the double lacing and because they are small lenght. I also had the idea of duct taping cuffs, haha! :D Let me know if it holds down skating pressure well. Also, since they are Classic Thrones, how did you put them two-piece souls? And can you make us a tutorial on sewing skins please? Very good job, man!
15 Feb 2010 comment on Salomon Brandon Campbell 2
Dude don't touch them please, they are original and sick, just take off the dumb widebodies off and ride the stock soul plates, they are perfect.
Dude don't touch them please, they are original and sick, just take off the dumb widebodies off and ride the stock soul plates, they are perfect.
15 Feb 2010 comment on The Bunch by Xsjado - usd - salomon - roces
Yo I want to buy your Salomon FSK if they are size 45+, or at least the frames!
Yo I want to buy your Salomon FSK if they are size 45+, or at least the frames!
What liners are they?