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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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106-109 out of 109 comments
26 Mar 2009 comment on Deshi Carbon Quad Skates
Is that plate a Lazer Millenium? Hawaii Versus wheels... Not bad!
Is that plate a Lazer Millenium? Hawaii Versus wheels... Not bad!
20 Mar 2009 comment on CH1 Black White
Woah this groove looks huge! What size are the wheels? Can you grind everything with your flat setup?
Woah this groove looks huge! What size are the wheels? Can you grind everything with your flat setup?
15 Mar 2009 comment on Salomon with Valo plates
Nice custom. Did you had to cut the blocks on the back and the front of the Valo plates? (those that make the Roces shell flat) ? By the way can you please post a pic of a back of a normal Salomon next to this custom, from the same camera angle as the third picture, just to see how much the Valo plates are large?
Nice custom. Did you had to cut the blocks on the back and the front of the Valo plates? (those that make the Roces shell flat) ? By the way can you please post a pic of a back of a normal Salomon next to this custom, from the same camera angle as the third picture, just to see how much the Valo plates are large?
It's a Lazer Millenium plate. ;)