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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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36-40 out of 109 comments
01 Apr 2010 comment on Damien Wilson Promodel
Where did you got the black frames? I only see charcoal everywhere. Also, can you please take pic with the wheels rockered up? Thanks!
Where did you got the black frames? I only see charcoal everywhere. Also, can you please take pic with the wheels rockered up? Thanks!
01 Apr 2010 comment on Valo TV1
The Eisler can turn into shit really fast. The 09 line of Undercover are known to be really good at first but then turn into shit, while the 10 ones are known to be really good and durable.
The Eisler can turn into shit really fast. The 09 line of Undercover are known to be really good at first but then turn into shit, while the 10 ones are known to be really good and durable.
01 Apr 2010 comment on Neon Xsjado
Pretty cool, but it seems you have painted/sprayed instead of dyed the cuff.
Pretty cool, but it seems you have painted/sprayed instead of dyed the cuff.
Looks interresting, but I would put a different colour frame. Try with a purple frame, it would looks frsh!