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Member Since: 08 Mar 2009Last Seen: 11 May 2015
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109 Comments By rollman
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08 Feb 2010 comment on Deshi Carbon Size 9 US w Kizer Fluids
[quote=sweetpea123456789] Why? [/quote] I want to see how much space is there to ride flat. Anyways you copped off the Dominic Sagonas with Fiziks that I wanted last summer you bitch :p you owe me at least a picture. ;)
[quote=sweetpea123456789] Why? [/quote] I want to see how much space is there to ride flat. Anyways you copped off the Dominic Sagonas with Fiziks that I wanted last summer you bitch :p you owe me at least a picture. ;)
31 Jan 2010 comment on Deshi Carbon Size 9 US w Kizer Fluids
Can you please take a picture with some middle wheels instead of antirockers. thanks
Can you please take a picture with some middle wheels instead of antirockers. thanks
30 Jan 2010 comment on Salomon Brandon Campbell 2
So beautiful! What size are they, I want to buy them!
So beautiful! What size are they, I want to buy them!
How the hell did you fitted in the SL415 liners inside? It's impossible for me.