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Member Since: 17 Aug 2009Last Seen: 09 Feb 2021
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12 Comments By jimmytarnat
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19 Aug 2009 comment on Hermes Squash with GC Frames
The rear soul "wings" were easy to chop off with a stanley knife, the main issue was removing the old original soul mounting points. There are 3 of them, and they protude out from the base of the boot, and untill they were cut down to flat, the soul would not fit. wish i had more old skates to mess about with now!
The rear soul "wings" were easy to chop off with a stanley knife, the main issue was removing the old original soul mounting points. There are 3 of them, and they protude out from the base of the boot, and untill they were cut down to flat, the soul would not fit. wish i had more old skates to mess about with now!
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Yes they come with the zip, i got them from Ebay for about £10