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Member Since: 05 May 2011Last Seen: 18 Feb 2015
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14 Comments By eddiebx
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24 Dec 2013 comment on USD Classic Throne
Siick, always liked these boots. Nice to see them brought back to life.
Siick, always liked these boots. Nice to see them brought back to life.
31 Jul 2013 comment on Brain Aragon 1s Genesis
hell yea man, couldn't pass these up, too fresh!! please believe i'm going to destroy these lol.. why didn't u skate these?
hell yea man, couldn't pass these up, too fresh!! please believe i'm going to destroy these lol.. why didn't u skate these?
22 Jun 2013 comment on Kevin Gillan
I actually love thses skates. not too many people liked them, but I felt them solid, fast soul, good groove placement and perfect flex. would mind getting my hands on another pair :)
I actually love thses skates. not too many people liked them, but I felt them solid, fast soul, good groove placement and perfect flex. would mind getting my hands on another pair :)
Sick set up! Don't know how I feel about those frames though, they wear fast :/