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Member Since: 05 May 2011Last Seen: 18 Feb 2015
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14 Comments By eddiebx
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13 Apr 2013 comment on Various Frames
oh shit, he's comparing them to the featherlights. I thought he was talking about the red 1st gen's.. yea man, not close at all.
oh shit, he's comparing them to the featherlights. I thought he was talking about the red 1st gen's.. yea man, not close at all.
13 Apr 2013 comment on Various Frames
yea, the 2nd generation have a wider and square h-block. MURDABLOCKS!! remember those lol..
yea, the 2nd generation have a wider and square h-block. MURDABLOCKS!! remember those lol..
13 Jul 2011 comment on Low Max
Those are so fucking sick! Those tumor wrap arounds are from the Richie Eisler skate. I always wondered what they would look like with those plates.
Those are so fucking sick! Those tumor wrap arounds are from the Richie Eisler skate. I always wondered what they would look like with those plates.
those frames r incredibly easy to do groove tricks with. but if ur coming off anit rockers, it is a lil weird at first. they have a lil play while grinding as opposed to skating with anti's. as far as better than anti's, that's about personal preference.