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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 25 Jun 2007
Last Seen: 25 Jun 2007
7 Uploads Total
49 Comments By FourX4Boozer

Latest Uploads

1-7 out of 7 uploads
EB 1.4 Gray
EB.1 Black
AF3s inspired by Rachard
Rzrs SL A2s
Remz 06one


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FourX4Boozers latest comments

31-35 out of 49 comments
OStwo for sale
02 Aug 2008 comment on OStwo for sale

how much? & location?
OS 1
02 Aug 2008 comment on OS 1

really nice color distribution. OSs aren't really my cup of tea, but i like these :)
AF3s inspired by Rachard
01 Aug 2008 comment on AF3s inspired by Rachard

[quote=freeman16]did you v cut the cuff and if you put a shock absorber under the liner you will be able to see the nice juggernaut writing ;) [/quote] i just traced my sagona cuffs & did the v-cut myself. it would b nice 2 add a shock absorber for the liner lift & for impacts, but the sk8 feels 2 narrow as it is already, i think adding would make them tighter & kill my feet.
AF3s inspired by Rachard
31 Jul 2008 comment on AF3s inspired by Rachard

[quote=Mr_UnDaCoVa][font="Courier New, Courier, mono"]If your going to keep the green cuff I would like to purchase your sagona cuffs if your selling them.[/font] [/quote] im gonna try 2 rebuild some sagonas i have & put these back on, but if i dont & if its not to late, ill let u know.
AF3s inspired by Rachard
31 Jul 2008 comment on AF3s inspired by Rachard

[quote=punkpc]what you doing with the old green buckles, laces and the green souls? you looking to sell? [/quote] green buckles & souls r gonna go on sum white AF1s im tryin 2 get & the laces r on these AF3s just double laced w/ white ones.

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