Justin - 291.jpg

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Country: DE United States
State: Ohio
City: Abanaka


Member Since: 05 Jul 2007
Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
32 Uploads Total
576 Comments By Justin

Latest Uploads

8-14 out of 32 uploads
Remz 0301
Razors Esco Zoo
Salomon ST-Feinberg
Custom Re-built Carbons
Carbon skate with salomon cuff
Deshi Carbon white
Brandon Campbell 2 w SL souls


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Justins latest comments

536-540 out of 576 comments
DL xsjados
25 Jul 2007 comment on DL xsjados

[quote=Scottish_Dave]they are so fucking sick also those are D.I. frames because the plate doesn't have a rectangle bit in the middle but what i'm wondering is how you managed to get the black D.I. plate on the white frame?[/quote] I think skatepile.com or aggresivemall.com has them. But I was actually able to replace the slide plates on my DIs, It took a long time. I had to cut them out with a razor blade. It's do-able if you dont want to get new frames. And aggressivemall.com has the plates for $1 right now.
25 Jul 2007 comment on REMZ JUGGIES

Your'e going in the right direction. Just finish it by going over the rest of the gold with a red(this will look great, I know from experience) or black sharpie.
Downtown VI
25 Jul 2007 comment on Downtown VI

[quote=606streetsoldier]these are downtown 2's[/quote] These are Downtown 1s that never got released, I have Downtown IIs. They changed them right before the release.
Custom Shima 7
24 Jul 2007 comment on Custom Shima 7

This skate is only 11 comments behind the most viewed skate skate! Let's get it there!
deshi kicks 2
24 Jul 2007 comment on deshi kicks 2

I think you are the first person to ever post a pic of themselves actually skating their setup. Very nice.

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