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Member Since: 05 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Feb 2022
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576 Comments By Justin
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131-135 out of 576 comments
12 Feb 2009 comment on CH1 Black White
if you feel like youve got room in there i recommend some jug big js. alos some different souls so you can move the front bolt to the center of the boot other wise your boot will start to bend over sooner
if you feel like youve got room in there i recommend some jug big js. alos some different souls so you can move the front bolt to the center of the boot other wise your boot will start to bend over sooner
12 Feb 2009 comment on tv2
love the way the frames look but not a fan of how they skate and dont last. get some laces to match
love the way the frames look but not a fan of how they skate and dont last. get some laces to match
i havent tried them out only finished one so far