Majin-Kiisu's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Mar 2012
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114 Comments By Majin-Kiisu
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Majin-Kiisus latest comments
46-50 out of 114 comments
24 Jan 2008 comment on Franky
Those are the sickest graphics i've ever seen. What did you do them with?
Those are the sickest graphics i've ever seen. What did you do them with?
23 Jan 2008 comment on Detail
Thats absolutely true, I love this skate because of the flaps most of all, but I think everything else is perfect too. The only thing is that you need to wear them in to get good flex. Alot of people decide that TRS are stiff without skating them for a while.
Thats absolutely true, I love this skate because of the flaps most of all, but I think everything else is perfect too. The only thing is that you need to wear them in to get good flex. Alot of people decide that TRS are stiff without skating them for a while.
When I can be bothered i'm gonna put on a new photo cos I've changed them alot since those photos