Majin-Kiisu's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Mar 2012
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114 Comments By Majin-Kiisu
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Majin-Kiisus latest comments
26-30 out of 114 comments
14 Mar 2008 comment on Brand new Razors Mold Boot
Thats quite interesting. When were these made? They look like a cross between the cult and genysis. I still think the genysis look better
Thats quite interesting. When were these made? They look like a cross between the cult and genysis. I still think the genysis look better
14 Mar 2008 comment on Roces Impalas
Oh man, thats an ugly skate. Haha the frames look hilarious I pity you
Oh man, thats an ugly skate. Haha the frames look hilarious I pity you
Omg, when do these come out? They're loving sick. Much better than the 08 ones, they were so dull looking. The 07 threes looked much better, but these 08 twos are the nices looking remz since the old haffeys from back in the day.