Majin-Kiisu's Profile
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Member Since: 28 Jul 2007Last Seen: 28 Mar 2012
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114 Comments By Majin-Kiisu
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21-25 out of 114 comments
23 Mar 2008 comment on Remz 0802
[quote=rollingfl]they're already out [/quote] Where can i get them?
[quote=rollingfl]they're already out [/quote] Where can i get them?
20 Mar 2008 comment on Xsjado
[highlight=#cccccc]Those will break straight away, unlucky on breaking both pairs of skates. [/highlight]
[highlight=#cccccc]Those will break straight away, unlucky on breaking both pairs of skates. [/highlight]
20 Mar 2008 comment on Alpha two
I only have the skins, i'm using the rest of the parts including the shell on my details, but i can sell the skins if you want :s
I only have the skins, i'm using the rest of the parts including the shell on my details, but i can sell the skins if you want :s
Nice, check my details out too if you got the time.