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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 03 Aug 2007
Last Seen: 03 Aug 2007
97 Uploads Total
85 Comments By delnotpre

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Roces Oli Short with HUGE CHASSIS
USD Classic Thrones
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Roces Oli Short
Dunkles with  Able frames
USD Thrones  white cuffs


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delnotpres latest comments

6-10 out of 85 comments
usd allstar
30 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar

[quote=joejamin121]oi frenchy i was backing you up u cock<br> <br>and delnotpre no one wants to hear your opinions on skates because its always negative<br> <br>i bet your shit aswell<br>[/quote]<br><br><br>obveeuslee u too sh-tbags coodent even use teh propar grammar. its you're not your, u fuken idiot. point proven, now shut up u dumb chav fgts. ur country is turning too sh-t. bettar wake up losers. hahahah<br>
usd allstar
29 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar

[quote=joejamin121] look at your spelling delnotpre you C U N T [/quote] you worthless stupid f--king retard. obviously you're too stupid to know what sarcasm is, you retarded "C U N T".
usd allstar
29 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar

[quote=Jamo]delnotpre fu**king look at u, you tard "or mate i rag every one" init what skates you got its what ya can do that counts so shut n stop moning u scrog head<br> [/quote]<br><br>wah wah u fuken idiot. y dont u lick my azz u worthless scumbag chav.  ur dumbasz cumz frum england an u kant even spel 4 sh-t. obviously ur useless liek the phagtard dat u r. shut up loser.<br><br>y dont u defend idiots who kant even spel, like frenchy. morons. you're an idiot defender of more morons.<br><br><br>
usd allstar
28 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar

[quote=living_on_skates] +they skate like sh*t [/quote] i wood agent orange dose sh-tty sk8s jus in case thiers liek, an infecshun cummin outta dose vile sifikas.
usd allstar
28 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar

ur spellin iz oviously frum a fgt hoo can only typre liek sh-t. ur sk8s r wank an look liek sh-t. absolotley disgustin.

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