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Member Since: 28 Aug 2007Last Seen: 28 Aug 2007
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18 Comments By wejkastein
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wejkasteins latest comments
11-15 out of 18 comments
30 Aug 2007 comment on K2 Nemesys
[quote=uglyk2s]ur k2s r very ugly nd unstylish probaly just like ur style k2s are kinda getting old nd u cant do anything to modify them there just 2 ugly[/quote] wow he must feel so bad about his own skating skills that he has to make you fell bad i think that is one sick custom job on the souls
[quote=uglyk2s]ur k2s r very ugly nd unstylish probaly just like ur style k2s are kinda getting old nd u cant do anything to modify them there just 2 ugly[/quote] wow he must feel so bad about his own skating skills that he has to make you fell bad i think that is one sick custom job on the souls
30 Aug 2007 comment on Aragon
wow a lot of rollerbladers are douche bags i think they look sweet as hell do they work good
wow a lot of rollerbladers are douche bags i think they look sweet as hell do they work good
29 Aug 2007 comment on Arlo Eisenberg Throne
[highlight=#cccccc]no dude [/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]just no[/highlight]
[highlight=#cccccc]no dude [/highlight] [highlight=#cccccc]just no[/highlight]
28 Aug 2007 comment on Latimer With USD Throne shell
wow how'd you manage that its a good idea but a bad one at the same time
wow how'd you manage that its a good idea but a bad one at the same time
wow noce job with the souls did you have to do anything to the boot to make them fit