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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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71-75 out of 144 comments
15 Jun 2008 comment on Bauer Skates
Damn I never liked those, dont know why but allways gravatate towards Roces and around here it was eighter roces or bauer so Roces WTF!
Damn I never liked those, dont know why but allways gravatate towards Roces and around here it was eighter roces or bauer so Roces WTF!
15 Jun 2008 comment on Senate Frames
That is cool man! I had some new Senate wheels but they sucked!
That is cool man! I had some new Senate wheels but they sucked!
I would actually buy those if I got my hands on them!