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Member Since: 26 Sep 2007Last Seen: 05 Jan 2023
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144 Comments By nitm2k
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86-90 out of 144 comments
17 May 2008 comment on Coyote Rollerblade Skate
You should check out this, its suposivly a Nijdam skate yet its stolen right of these!
You should check out this, its suposivly a Nijdam skate yet its stolen right of these!
17 May 2008 comment on Vintage Rollerblade blade runner
Damn I had those from Zandstra, exactly the same model... are RB, Zandstra and Nijdam one company? they got eachothers shells!
Damn I had those from Zandstra, exactly the same model... are RB, Zandstra and Nijdam one company? they got eachothers shells!
up to dare? lol!