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Member Since: 11 Nov 2007Last Seen: 11 Nov 2007
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14 Comments By xbreakedgex
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07 Jan 2008 comment on Rollerblade Tarmac Series
I had the storm troopers.....they were so awesome. The liner was incredible, memory foam. The cut on the cuff was great. I skated the frames till they cracked and the bought the crappy rollerblade soul plates. Anyways - dope.
I had the storm troopers.....they were so awesome. The liner was incredible, memory foam. The cut on the cuff was great. I skated the frames till they cracked and the bought the crappy rollerblade soul plates. Anyways - dope.
02 Jan 2008 comment on VALO JJ.1 - greyblack - without skin
holy freeholy - it is just a M12. I thought they were from the stock frames that i've seen come on them. It kinda would make sense that jon julio would use roces as there manufacturer.
holy freeholy - it is just a M12. I thought they were from the stock frames that i've seen come on them. It kinda would make sense that jon julio would use roces as there manufacturer.
those are crazy looking dude!