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Member Since: 11 Nov 2007Last Seen: 11 Nov 2007
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14 Comments By xbreakedgex
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20 Nov 2007 comment on Feinberg Dyed Chartruese
I just put those liners in my USD skates..do you find that they are a lil squished towrds the top were they lace over?
I just put those liners in my USD skates..do you find that they are a lil squished towrds the top were they lace over?
13 Nov 2007 comment on Murda2
Skates look to f-ing ridiculous now. Everything is fashion this and matching the color of your skates with your t-shirt and fitted hat. . I can kinda see why rollerblading gets made fun of. But hey, whatever suits you.
Skates look to f-ing ridiculous now. Everything is fashion this and matching the color of your skates with your t-shirt and fitted hat. . I can kinda see why rollerblading gets made fun of. But hey, whatever suits you.
11 Nov 2007 comment on Oxygen AR skates OLD SCHOOL
These skates were heavy as hell. Too much forward lean.
These skates were heavy as hell. Too much forward lean.
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Currently i'm not a fan of colors that aren't neutral or shades of grey when it comes to skates- but i bet they skate super awesome.