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Member Since: 19 Nov 2007Last Seen: 19 Nov 2007
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17 Comments By darque
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11-15 out of 17 comments
11 May 2008 comment on Remz 0703 custom
those frames are ufs ? where idid you buy them ? i need something to cruise with
those frames are ufs ? where idid you buy them ? i need something to cruise with
31 Mar 2008 comment on Aragon 2
i seen a few pairs in person those soul plate screws are DONE after a month of straight street skating. they mad all that new stuff and they couldnt figure to make soul plate screws sit deeper.
i seen a few pairs in person those soul plate screws are DONE after a month of straight street skating. they mad all that new stuff and they couldnt figure to make soul plate screws sit deeper.
note: original chocolate wheels. loving the setups