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39 Comments By rollingfl
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09 May 2008 comment on Remz 0703 custom
what is this world coming too at least they look better than gay roces
what is this world coming too at least they look better than gay roces
[b][color=rgb(255, 102, 102);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(204, 102, 204);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(255, 204, 204);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(255, 255, 51);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(102, 51, 102);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(102, 255, 255);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(204, 204, 255);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(255, 204, 153);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(255, 0, 0);]gay[/color] [color=rgb(102, 51, 255);]gay[/color] [/b] [b]looks stupid[/b] [b]roces are dead, just get new skates instead of trying to make your skates look cooler cause its never gonna happen[/b]