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Member Since: 30 Nov 2007Last Seen: 30 Nov 2007
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39 Comments By rollingfl
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27 Mar 2008 comment on Oxygen Argon Stock UFS mod
these [b]THINGS [/b]are sooo ugly and why dont you have any shock absorbers in your frames?
these [b]THINGS [/b]are sooo ugly and why dont you have any shock absorbers in your frames?
26 Mar 2008 comment on Salomon Whitey
they put cuff screws in them howww? that is soooo sick they look soo fresh
they put cuff screws in them howww? that is soooo sick they look soo fresh
[b]that looks sooo sick how did you put the backslide plate on dem niggaz? skating wize, the frames suck really bad but they look fresh [/b]