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Member Since: 03 Dec 2007Last Seen: 03 Dec 2007
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201 Comments By joejamin121
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joejamin121s latest comments
121-125 out of 201 comments
01 Apr 2008 comment on Custom Deshi CH1
i wish they were mine but they arent and i dont like the frames but they look ill
i wish they were mine but they arent and i dont like the frames but they look ill
01 Apr 2008 comment on ch1 08
these look sick but the guy above me is right about the tongues when they get old and you are thinking about new skates try cutting the tongues out and just having the jugs i think that would look sick
these look sick but the guy above me is right about the tongues when they get old and you are thinking about new skates try cutting the tongues out and just having the jugs i think that would look sick
who would risk arrest for them?