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Member Since: 03 Dec 2007Last Seen: 03 Dec 2007
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201 Comments By joejamin121
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joejamin121s latest comments
131-135 out of 201 comments
30 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar
it is your u tosser you're is you are now who looks silly 'point proven'
it is your u tosser you're is you are now who looks silly 'point proven'
30 Mar 2008 comment on Deshi ch1 Benny Harmanus pro model
hey man sick setup! [highlight=#cccccc]are they as bulky as the old deshis?[/highlight]
hey man sick setup! [highlight=#cccccc]are they as bulky as the old deshis?[/highlight]
29 Mar 2008 comment on usd allstar
oi frenchy i was backing you up u cock and delnotpre no one wants to hear your opinions on skates because its always negative i bet your shit aswell
oi frenchy i was backing you up u cock and delnotpre no one wants to hear your opinions on skates because its always negative i bet your shit aswell
ok stfu for a second what do you mean about my country is shit aswell where are you from?