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Member Since: 05 Dec 2007Last Seen: 05 Dec 2007
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9 Comments By electriceg1goggles
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31 Jan 2008 comment on USD Throne classic Feinberg
[quote=Majin-Kiisu] Why the f-ck do you start swearing at everyone when they give their oppinion? That's what a forum (well this is kind of a forum) is about you tart. [/quote] just shut up
[quote=Majin-Kiisu] Why the f-ck do you start swearing at everyone when they give their oppinion? That's what a forum (well this is kind of a forum) is about you tart. [/quote] just shut up
31 Jan 2008 comment on USD Throne classic Feinberg
[quote=Majin-Kiisu] Why the f-ck do you start swearing at everyone when they give their oppinion? That's what a forum (well this is kind of a forum) is about you tart. [/quote] gp f--k yourself you stupid f--k
[quote=Majin-Kiisu] Why the f-ck do you start swearing at everyone when they give their oppinion? That's what a forum (well this is kind of a forum) is about you tart. [/quote] gp f--k yourself you stupid f--k
wear dew u live?