electriceg1goggles's Profile
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Member Since: 05 Dec 2007Last Seen: 05 Dec 2007
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9 Comments By electriceg1goggles
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11 Dec 2007 comment on Razors Icons plaid
ridiculously awesome. if they came stock-printed like that it would've been rad.<br><br>they totally remind me of Electric EG goggles. Those who board will know what I'm talking about.<br>
ridiculously awesome. if they came stock-printed like that it would've been rad.<br><br>they totally remind me of Electric EG goggles. Those who board will know what I'm talking about.<br>
10 Dec 2007 comment on REMZ OS - MORALES II
[quote=Roll_Model]they are not FMs either they are the new OS it even says on the freakin picture[/quote] thanks for your worthless insight, you retarded nig nog.
[quote=Roll_Model]they are not FMs either they are the new OS it even says on the freakin picture[/quote] thanks for your worthless insight, you retarded nig nog.
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k, what was the name brand of the spray on glue you used? and where did you get the bandanas?