VALObranded's Profile
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Member Since: 15 Dec 2007Last Seen: 15 Dec 2007
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18 Comments By VALObranded
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12 Aug 2008 comment on Rob Minton39s or Vinny Thompson39s
nice skates! what size and do ya still have the original liners?
nice skates! what size and do ya still have the original liners?
12 Aug 2008 comment on valo eb.1
to find them in a US9 actually is quite hard to find. And i wasn't aware that any shops offered dying of wheels. does the dye last the life of the wheel? or will it just dye out eventually?
to find them in a US9 actually is quite hard to find. And i wasn't aware that any shops offered dying of wheels. does the dye last the life of the wheel? or will it just dye out eventually?
11 Aug 2008 comment on valo eb.1
Does dying wheels effect them in any way? also, how does sean still have a stockpile of Bcam liners!? id kill for some!
Does dying wheels effect them in any way? also, how does sean still have a stockpile of Bcam liners!? id kill for some!
i tried to dye my grey digi camo skins black (used 2 packets of dry black rit dye) and they came out purple. ill post the boot soon.