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Member Since: 15 Dec 2007Last Seen: 15 Dec 2007
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18 Comments By VALObranded
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06 Jan 2008 comment on 0801
nice work on the dye job, but as said before, why not just but already orange ones so they dont look like shiet after one session.
nice work on the dye job, but as said before, why not just but already orange ones so they dont look like shiet after one session.
04 Jan 2008 comment on VALO JJ.1 - greyblack - without skin
what size and do you still have the skin?
what size and do you still have the skin?
27 Dec 2007 comment on EB.1 Maroon
what size skate with what size jug? they would be so fresh w/ black mids.
what size skate with what size jug? they would be so fresh w/ black mids.
that setup is pretty old, and i got the wheels from skatepile when they were on sale. i never skated trs, and they feel like m12s...but different. haha weird i know.