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Member Since: 28 Dec 2007Last Seen: 15 May 2011
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72 Comments By RBfoeva
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24 May 2010 comment on Senate Anti Rockers
oh btw dude, im pretty interested in your salomons youve got..what size are they maaan? thanks
oh btw dude, im pretty interested in your salomons youve got..what size are they maaan? thanks
24 May 2010 comment on Senate Anti Rockers
Ahhh the old roadhouses, my friend got a set of these brand new at a play it again last year! (they had like 5 sets brand new!)
Ahhh the old roadhouses, my friend got a set of these brand new at a play it again last year! (they had like 5 sets brand new!)
14 May 2010 comment on Richie Eisler
these look awesome, but the wheels dont go too well with the scheme..btw, how do the wheels skate?
these look awesome, but the wheels dont go too well with the scheme..btw, how do the wheels skate?
13 May 2010 comment on Dom Sagona
good looking skates! i love the 3 piece souls (got em on my original Hooi's)
good looking skates! i love the 3 piece souls (got em on my original Hooi's)
fuck! those are niiiice man!