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Member Since: 28 Dec 2007Last Seen: 15 May 2011
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72 Comments By RBfoeva
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RBfoevas latest comments
26-30 out of 72 comments
04 Feb 2009 comment on Valo Fashion
nice skates, nice frames (love ables), i dont know about the liners though but an all around good looking setup. i assume you made those UHMW anti's yourself?
nice skates, nice frames (love ables), i dont know about the liners though but an all around good looking setup. i assume you made those UHMW anti's yourself?
20 Jan 2009 comment on af2 allstar 09 kizer element
damn! aaron feinberg classic thrones were so sick!! these look great man! just becareful putting them on a high roof like that cause you wont want to drop these pieces of history!
damn! aaron feinberg classic thrones were so sick!! these look great man! just becareful putting them on a high roof like that cause you wont want to drop these pieces of history!
looks damn good with white cuffs!