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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 27 Jun 2012
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110 Comments By Scottish_Dave
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Scottish_Daves latest comments
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25 Apr 2007 comment on Red Murda
sick setup man, it's razor_dave from rollernews one thing though they look really faded
sick setup man, it's razor_dave from rollernews one thing though they look really faded
22 Apr 2007 comment on ARAGONS
screwed the frames and wheels up big time but sick anyway also where did you get such a good pic of the new souls?
screwed the frames and wheels up big time but sick anyway also where did you get such a good pic of the new souls?
05 Apr 2007 comment on Roces Khuti - White and Silver
ye the khuti's were sold in silver Bassbeton6996 they are silver UFS M12's and they weren't spray painted or anything, they were a limited edition
ye the khuti's were sold in silver Bassbeton6996 they are silver UFS M12's and they weren't spray painted or anything, they were a limited edition
ok look on eBay for rit dye that's where i got my ornage rit dye and it was really cheap even though it was from the states