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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 27 Jun 2012
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110 Comments By Scottish_Dave
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Scottish_Daves latest comments
81-85 out of 110 comments
12 May 2007 comment on Basic..
you should have dyed it blue man, but sick anyways dye the footwrap all black
you should have dyed it blue man, but sick anyways dye the footwrap all black
12 May 2007 comment on Deshi Iain Mcleod
they actually look so sick but what ahs happened to the toe? has he ripped the material off or something?
they actually look so sick but what ahs happened to the toe? has he ripped the material off or something?
11 May 2007 comment on Deshi CH1
put xsjado souls and baseplates on them, then they will be complete
put xsjado souls and baseplates on them, then they will be complete
they are so fucking nice great job on the custom