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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 27 Jun 2012
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110 Comments By Scottish_Dave
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17 Jul 2008 comment on Vinny minton
[quote=stubbsy]could be, but then it might as well be a vinny minton, seeing as a minton might as well be a CH1 dyed red. but the CH1 colours aren't very dye freindly - darkish grey and black. i'd bet on it being a minton. could be wrong, but the odds are it's the real thing. [/quote] the newest CH1 model is light grey, in my opinion it would dye red perfectly fine.
[quote=stubbsy]could be, but then it might as well be a vinny minton, seeing as a minton might as well be a CH1 dyed red. but the CH1 colours aren't very dye freindly - darkish grey and black. i'd bet on it being a minton. could be wrong, but the odds are it's the real thing. [/quote] the newest CH1 model is light grey, in my opinion it would dye red perfectly fine.
11 Jun 2008 comment on EVO 07
i want these skates so much but i don't have the money. i totally wish i hadn't got the Aragon 2's, i don't even skate them anymore. UFS Thrones FTMFW
i want these skates so much but i don't have the money. i totally wish i hadn't got the Aragon 2's, i don't even skate them anymore. UFS Thrones FTMFW
15 May 2008 comment on Dustin Latimer Ed. II
they are so sick. i think i'm going to skate the Xsjado's i got from a friend recently when my Aragon 2's are wrecked. i need to find some footwraps in my size though cause someone stole my Farmer footwraps :(
they are so sick. i think i'm going to skate the Xsjado's i got from a friend recently when my Aragon 2's are wrecked. i need to find some footwraps in my size though cause someone stole my Farmer footwraps :(
[quote=Arctic roller]Basicly the white ones "would be" OUT R2D2 (if they whernt coloured Remedyz) The red and black are the first US based Remedyz that came with 50/50's the grey and black are the infamous complete with frame Remedyz One used to have to order direct from Kato to get these babys! once again: the white ones are coloured! [/quote] the full black with red highlights are the R2D2's