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Country: DE SelectCountry
State: Other State
City: Lat kheyl


Member Since: 13 Feb 2007
Last Seen: 27 Jun 2012
6 Uploads Total
110 Comments By Scottish_Dave

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Scottish_Daves latest comments

6-10 out of 110 comments
Remedyz Collection
25 Aug 2008 comment on Remedyz Collection

[quote=Arctic roller]Basicly the white ones "would be" OUT R2D2 (if they whernt coloured Remedyz) The red and black are the first US based Remedyz that came with 50/50's the grey and black are the infamous complete with frame Remedyz One used to have to order direct from Kato to get these babys! once again: the white ones are coloured! [/quote] the full black with red highlights are the R2D2's
Vinny minton
17 Jul 2008 comment on Vinny minton

[quote=stubbsy]could be, but then it might as well be a vinny minton, seeing as a minton might as well be a CH1 dyed red. but the CH1 colours aren't very dye freindly - darkish grey and black. i'd bet on it being a minton. could be wrong, but the odds are it's the real thing. [/quote] the newest CH1 model is light grey, in my opinion it would dye red perfectly fine.
Salomon 3VSL
11 Jun 2008 comment on Salomon 3VSL

guarantee you they could be made into aggressive skates.
EVO 07
11 Jun 2008 comment on EVO 07

i want these skates so much but i don't have the money. i totally wish i hadn't got the Aragon 2's, i don't even skate them anymore. UFS Thrones FTMFW
Dustin Latimer Ed. II
15 May 2008 comment on Dustin Latimer Ed. II

they are so sick. i think i'm going to skate the Xsjado's i got from a friend recently when my Aragon 2's are wrecked. i need to find some footwraps in my size though cause someone stole my Farmer footwraps :(

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