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Member Since: 13 Feb 2007Last Seen: 27 Jun 2012
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110 Comments By Scottish_Dave
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Scottish_Daves latest comments
26-30 out of 110 comments
22 Nov 2007 comment on ch 1
[quote=jclowell] trust me they last longer then that, those arent the first gen deshis which only lasted a week,lol, and if your deshis last no longer then a month then you must be some hardcore skater me im getting Ch1s this friday and slaping my red core balance frames on em[/quote] my mates ones were totally fucked after a month, skins all ripped up, strap on te liner snapped he's not even that hardcore a skater either
[quote=jclowell] trust me they last longer then that, those arent the first gen deshis which only lasted a week,lol, and if your deshis last no longer then a month then you must be some hardcore skater me im getting Ch1s this friday and slaping my red core balance frames on em[/quote] my mates ones were totally fucked after a month, skins all ripped up, strap on te liner snapped he's not even that hardcore a skater either
20 Nov 2007 comment on Shima 5
shut the fuck up, what does it matter? it's not exactly an important factor there a UK 7-8 with a large frame also "TARDASS" isn't a real word retard
shut the fuck up, what does it matter? it's not exactly an important factor there a UK 7-8 with a large frame also "TARDASS" isn't a real word retard
they look so fucking sick i love how they look in this size