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Member Since: 20 Mar 2008Last Seen: 07 Aug 2014
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115 Comments By 3M3M
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3M3Ms latest comments
36-40 out of 114 comments
19 Apr 2009 comment on Vinny Minton
pics are horrible! tho setup is looking hot as hell to bad cant see some normal pics :/
pics are horrible! tho setup is looking hot as hell to bad cant see some normal pics :/
19 Apr 2009 comment on Chris Farmer
looks like u dont grind on ur royal at all color setup is nice, tho ur white skates will look like shit after a while, thats why white as base color is bad choose! anyway 6/6 from me :D
looks like u dont grind on ur royal at all color setup is nice, tho ur white skates will look like shit after a while, thats why white as base color is bad choose! anyway 6/6 from me :D
04 Apr 2009 comment on DK Grey in 2004
u cut to much in front!anyway good for u, deshi dk models was one of the best skates ever.
u cut to much in front!anyway good for u, deshi dk models was one of the best skates ever.
looks so small and angle is horrible!