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Member Since: 22 Mar 2008Last Seen: 22 Mar 2008
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61 Comments By illthrilla
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illthrillas latest comments
56-60 out of 61 comments
27 Mar 2008 comment on NIHM EXPOSED
Your comment needs to be at least 10 characters and 3 words long. LAME, not indy
Your comment needs to be at least 10 characters and 3 words long. LAME, not indy
27 Mar 2008 comment on Airwalk Skates
they do look like those lame green bauers. that and the lace gromits look like salomons. weird/gay at the same time.
they do look like those lame green bauers. that and the lace gromits look like salomons. weird/gay at the same time.
22 Mar 2008 comment on What do we have here
hey bass, been here lately
hey bass, been here lately
size 9 but i need them til i get my new boots. after that, theyre yours